Monday, July 26, 2010


Soccer can have its perks. This time I met Carlo, father of Lorenzo and Stephano (or Stefano), who saw the small group of us playing in a neighborhood park. He asked us if we were on a team together, to which I chuckled.

I may have my soccer cleats, shin guards and long soccer socks now, but don't let them fool you. Wink!

When he continued talking with us, I realized that he had a European accent of some sort. He's from Holland, but had moved to Texas with his wife just a few weeks ago. Since I'm headed off to Nether-land soon, I asked for some places I should visit, and we talked a wee bit about the World Cup (I didn't include how aggressive his team was).

The best part though, was when his two kids decided to play with us. The boys joined me and we kicked the soccer ball around. Lorenzo made me his team mate, and he was so cute each time he scored a goal. He would run with his arms outstretched and this huge grin on his face. Then he'd come give me a high five and say, "Vee are winning!!" He was very adamant about keeping score.

Then, too, when one of us would score, the goalie would toss out the ball for us to dribble in. I laughed each time the boys would catch the ball and then put it by their feet. "Geen handen!" the father would yell.

Got a chance to talk with Carlo about Corrie Ten Boom, as she is a native Dutchie. He didn't know who I was talking about, but if he comes back next week, I'm hoping to give him her book. I find it cool that I just learned about her, and got a chance to share about Christ some through her story.

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